Sunday, June 5, 2011

Boots and Bonsai

Linda had lots of fun yesterday at the fair. Check out these snazzy boots. They belong to two police officers who were patrolling the festival yesterday. Linda was teasing the officers that their boots made them look like members of The Village People. They were all laughing about who was even old enough to even remember who The Village People were. She tried to get them to do the Y.M.C.A dancing arms so she could take a picture, but they said they would be fired if the photo hit the internet. She also met a sweet teenage boy named Noah. He has Asperger syndrome and Tourette's syndrome. Noah thought she looked like the TV actress named Olivia Dunham from a show called Fringe. He talked up a blue streak for about 1/2 hour before Linda told him he better go find his Mom. The best part of the day, is that she met an old Chinese man who raises Bonsai trees. He had a beautiful collection of trees that he has been raising for decades for sale at the fair. The man was able to look at the photo of the tree Chimmie chewed up and tell her it was a ginsing ficus. He did not have one, but at least she knows what tree to look for.