Saturday, June 25, 2011

S T R E S S !

We had a very long trail walk today, and I did the entire thing (except for the main road sidewalk coming home, I have to be carried on that part.) Jerry spent a few hours installing some software on Linda's laptop before he left. When she got home, she tried (for about 2 hours now) to make it work, but can't figure it out. It's important stuff for her work, so she is still at it. Her head hurts from so much technical stuff. Linda knows very little about computers and trying to figure out all these nerdy instructions is not her cup of tea. If any friends know about Windows Vista and finding saved mp4. files, would you call her? The file was saved after it was downloaded, but she can't find it anywhere! It's not where it was saved to. I told her to stop stressing and give the pups some hugs and kisses. That always makes her happy. Or she could look at a photo of Noah smiling... that worked!