Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do I HAVE to Wake Up?

This is what Linda found when she peeled back the covers this morning. (The top photo of me, not the dancing girl.) I wasn't in my usual spot which is right under the first bedspread at the head of the bed. I was burrowed under the the bedspread, two blankets and the top sheet. At first she thought I had jumped off The Big Bed myself because she could not find me. Eventually she kept digging and found me under all those covers and hiding behind the pillow she puts between her knees at night! I was so adorable she had a hard time making me get out of bed to start my day.

Linda did her sub class this morning and then took a Bollywood dance class. She liked it! After class, an Indian woman stopped her in the hallway to the locker room and said that she thought Linda was amazing at Bollywood dancing! Linda's favorite part was all the little finger flips and snaps. It is a very pretty dance style and she worked up a good sweat too. It would have been perfect if she got to wear the outfit. Only a few people came to her WIM class at 1:00, but there will be a whole bunch of people in tonight's class. Right now, the power is out at the gym, so she is waiting to hear from her boss if she has to go in to teach.