Thursdays were supposed to be a light work day for Linda, but not today. She has lots to do. Subbing at 10:00, a Water in Motion at 1:00 and then another WIM at 6:30. There is also a special class called Bollywood Jam that she will be taking at noon. (I wish there were a video camera filming for that class! It will be hysterical to watch.) She'll be able to get home between the 1:30-6:00 to walk us and spend some time home before she heads back out. It's a good thing we all slept last night. I did not have any seizures and Linda took an Advil pill with sleep medicine in it. She hates to do that, but after nights and nights of no sleep, it's dangerous to be driving around or using sharp knives. I wonder why there is a saying "slept like a baby"? When Taylor and Tierney were babies, they woke up every couple hours crying for Mama.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Slept Like a Baby
Thursdays were supposed to be a light work day for Linda, but not today. She has lots to do. Subbing at 10:00, a Water in Motion at 1:00 and then another WIM at 6:30. There is also a special class called Bollywood Jam that she will be taking at noon. (I wish there were a video camera filming for that class! It will be hysterical to watch.) She'll be able to get home between the 1:30-6:00 to walk us and spend some time home before she heads back out. It's a good thing we all slept last night. I did not have any seizures and Linda took an Advil pill with sleep medicine in it. She hates to do that, but after nights and nights of no sleep, it's dangerous to be driving around or using sharp knives. I wonder why there is a saying "slept like a baby"? When Taylor and Tierney were babies, they woke up every couple hours crying for Mama.