It was very fortuitous that Linda waited until her arms were rested before she took us out on the trail. She ended up carrying me 30 minutes. It wasn't because I was tired, it was because I was scared. We were doing our normal trail walk, and I was scooting along just fine. There is a deer trail we take sometimes (where we did the rainbow photo a few weeks back.) I love walking down that trail, but today, I would not budge. As soon as she started to cut into the woods of the main path, I backed up and hunkered down to the ground. Linda was wearing her earbuds listening to her work music (not the smartest thing on a trail alone) so she took them off to see if she heard a dog up ahead. It was quite, so she started walking again this time leaving her music off. I told her not to go, but she picked me up and carried me anyway. Even Chimmie was walking kind of tentatively. About 1/2 way down the trail, there was a huge, loud crash in the woods to our right, and we heard a bunch of splashing through the stream. We scared up a whole passel of deer! I HATE deer. They scare the fur off me. I could smell them and that is why I did not want to go. The whole way back I would not walk so she had to carry me. Next time she'll listen to me. If all these deer came into my yard, I would have a heart attack.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Say NO to Deer!
It was very fortuitous that Linda waited until her arms were rested before she took us out on the trail. She ended up carrying me 30 minutes. It wasn't because I was tired, it was because I was scared. We were doing our normal trail walk, and I was scooting along just fine. There is a deer trail we take sometimes (where we did the rainbow photo a few weeks back.) I love walking down that trail, but today, I would not budge. As soon as she started to cut into the woods of the main path, I backed up and hunkered down to the ground. Linda was wearing her earbuds listening to her work music (not the smartest thing on a trail alone) so she took them off to see if she heard a dog up ahead. It was quite, so she started walking again this time leaving her music off. I told her not to go, but she picked me up and carried me anyway. Even Chimmie was walking kind of tentatively. About 1/2 way down the trail, there was a huge, loud crash in the woods to our right, and we heard a bunch of splashing through the stream. We scared up a whole passel of deer! I HATE deer. They scare the fur off me. I could smell them and that is why I did not want to go. The whole way back I would not walk so she had to carry me. Next time she'll listen to me. If all these deer came into my yard, I would have a heart attack.