Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lifeguard on Duty

I'm Alive!

Here is a feel-good-fuzzy-warm-feeling story. I bet my readers are sick and tired of posts about a dumb dog eating screwdrivers, sharp nails, chunks of wood decking and poison berries. This story involves an elk and a marmot at the Pocatello Zoo. In case you don't know what a marmot was, I was thoughtful enough to include a photo. Shooter, the 4-year old elk, was enjoying his day when he noticed something amiss in his giant water bowl. His keepers noticed he was extremely focused on the tank of water. They grabbed the video camera and watched an incredible rescue unfold. A marmot had fallen into the pool of water and was drowning. Shooter spent 15 minutes sniffing and pawing around the tank. Dipping his head carefully in the water, he gently picked the marmot out of the water with his teeth and set it on the ground, nudging him with his hoof. The marmot took some time to recover and scampered home. Shooter was a hero! We need him in the backyard to save Chimmie from doing dumb things. If you google Elk, marmot and water rescue, maybe you can find the video.