Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lickey the Licker and Other Strange Stories

Linda said she hopes Paul is still coming to help her with the deck steps. It seems to be sprinkling off and on. Not a downpour, just a little rain. On the plus side, it's chilly out. We did not take our walk because I HATE the rain. Chim is fine with it, but the second I get wet paws I do the carry-me look immediately. Linda is amazing the way she can tell what I want just by my body language or facial expressions. She read an article yesterday in one of the on-line newspapers that the scientist have figured out that dogs are somewhat telepathic. Linda has always had strong connections to all of the pets (now I'm not saying shes a pet psychic or anything) and has been able to read our moods or tell when we are sick. She knew Lickey (the black cat) had a tumor by the way Lickey licked her hand and showed her the body part he wanted rubbed (hence the name Lickey) even before the vet told her. Lickey was a huge Linda licker and he did it the same way every time. The day he changed how he did it, Linda knew Lickey's licking days were short. Snickers told her he did not want to go on in pain and his time on earth was over. You can see them having a great conversation. Look how big he was! Linda was having to carry him up and down the deck steps to go to the bathroom because his back legs no longer worked so good. She can hear all my thoughts, all the time. Chimmie, not so much. He is so self-absorbed and crazy that the only thing she hears is "play with me now" and a brick wall could hear that.