Sunday, June 12, 2011

Best Dog in the World

I can't really remember Snickers very much, but Linda sure does. Every once in awhile she gets such a wave of sadness that he isn't alive anymore. Snicks was an abused dog when she rescued him at 6 months old. She said he was an amazing in so many ways. Chim might look a little like Snickers with his coloring and body style, but where Chim is a bundle of TNT, Snickers was more of a snugly lap dog (except 75 pounds is pretty heavy in your lap.) Linda said I used to lay on his head and chew on his ears or collar while he was napping. He was my champion in protecting me from Chip when I was a newborn. Linda used to run the entire trail with him, he never had to take a rest. While Sheba the Husky was still alive before I came to live here, she would run Snickers, put him in the backyard then take Sheba out and do the same thing. Both were powerful dogs and she could not walk both together if they happen to come upon another dog on the trail. Snickers never bit anyone, but if a strange man came up to Linda or to the door, he acted like he was a trained attack dog. She laid on the floor in the vets office and held him in her arms as the Dr. put him to permanent sleep. sob. sob. sob.