Linda, that's who!! What is the deal with Chimmie stealing my yummy bone? We have the exact same bone. Same taste, size and color. He will not chew his bone and keeps coming after mine. When Linda got up to go into the kitchen he pounced on mine and would not let me near it. Even right now, it's taking all of Linda's attention to keep him away from me. I just want to chew in peace. He is totally ignoring his bone and 100% focused on getting mine. He's like the toddler who wants the other kids toy, even when he has the same toy, or even a funner toy right in front of him. (He just did a deep growl at me and Linda had to show him Who's The Boss.) I don't know who this Chihuahua is in the fashionable coat, but she is so lucky to have such a giant bone all to herself!