Bright and sunny, but there was a layer of frost on the deck railing this morning when we went outside. Linda's day isn't too crazy, so we should have time for a long walk later this afternoon between classes. Right now, she is tearing around the house trying to find her coffee cup. She put it down somewhere when she carried the laundry baskets downstairs, and it seems to have grown legs and walked away. (Oh no, I just had a thought. Maybe it was tossed in the washing machine by accident. I better tell her ASAP!)
Instead of family night, she has a Sports Banquet tonight to honor all the kids and coaches who played on their basketball team this past year. That means no fun for the dogs since we are not invited to the dinner. Taylor should be at the head table since he helped coach. If she takes any good photos, I'll post them. Maybe she can snag us a few bites of leftover chicken!