Tonight was the first time Linda had trouble actually picking up Chimmie with one hand to cross the street during our night walk. Usually, I get picked up first and tucked under her arm. Then, using the other hand, she picks up Chimmie. Tonight he was so heavy that she kind of dropped him. It was just from her knees down, and he was fine. He didn't even yelp. She has a slight case of elbow tendinitis and the angle she tried to pick him up just wasn't working. (The elbow hurts from her classes, but throwing Chim's new squishy ball 10,000 times in a row while we sit in the den isn't helping it. He shoves it up into her face if she ignores him.) She better work her arms harder and build more muscle because I don't think Chimmie is getting any smaller. She'll have to get her arms as big as Taylor's to carry him.