Today was Daylight Savings Time. That means we spring forward our clock one hour. It's really messed me up. Instead of getting up at 7:00, it was really like getting up at 6:00 a.m. I was so tired that all I've done is nap most of the day. Even Linda is tired. She went to lunch with 8 friends from church and then took a little nap when she got home. The only chore she has done today is wipe a few crumbs off the counter that she missed cleaning up last night. Chimmie is spending more and more time out in the backyard by himself. He loves to sit on the deck in the sun, just like Snickers did. We even put Snickers old rug he used to sleep on out there for him. I still love sleeping on Linda's big bed best. I hope tomorrow getting up is easier. She takes me off the big bed when she leaves for work because it is way too high off the ground for me to jump. I like the step idea for this bed, but my favorite part is being pressed against Linda's body during the night.