I always get nervous when Linda goes on one of her cleaning binges. She throws out almost everything. A junk draw gets a casual look through then the stuff goes into a trash bag. Cabinets under the bathroom sinks don't stand a chance. If the lotion, hair spray, contact solution, makeup, etc has been there more than 6 months it goes into the trash bag. Same thing with sheets, towels and linens. If they are a little frayed, stained or an ugly color... good bye! When she goes through her closets, same thing. More than half goes to Good Will. Once she emptied an entire closet without even looking at the stuff for a yard sale. Everything was .25 cents. There were $100 dresses and even a Nike jacket. (The people at her yard sale looked like they really needed some clothes, so it was the same thing as if she donated them.) Over 90% of her books went to the thrift store. She has entirely too much stuff! I just hope in the frenzy she does not throw me into one of those giant bags by accident.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Spring Cleaning
I always get nervous when Linda goes on one of her cleaning binges. She throws out almost everything. A junk draw gets a casual look through then the stuff goes into a trash bag. Cabinets under the bathroom sinks don't stand a chance. If the lotion, hair spray, contact solution, makeup, etc has been there more than 6 months it goes into the trash bag. Same thing with sheets, towels and linens. If they are a little frayed, stained or an ugly color... good bye! When she goes through her closets, same thing. More than half goes to Good Will. Once she emptied an entire closet without even looking at the stuff for a yard sale. Everything was .25 cents. There were $100 dresses and even a Nike jacket. (The people at her yard sale looked like they really needed some clothes, so it was the same thing as if she donated them.) Over 90% of her books went to the thrift store. She has entirely too much stuff! I just hope in the frenzy she does not throw me into one of those giant bags by accident.