It's OFFICIAL. Chimmie has hit the 12 pound mark. He now weighs exactly what two large Chihuahua's combined should weigh. He is also double my body weight! With all his extra running in the backyard, he is even skinnier then ever. All his puppy chub (what little he had) is gone and now he is one lean, muscular dog with a very long neck and even longer legs. (As I was writing this, Chip Cat came in to investigate Chimmie's new favorite toy. It's a small squishy ball that he is obsessed with. Chip hissed at him and the ball then chased Chimmie all the way down the hall into the dining room. It was hilarious! Just when I was saying how large he is, Chip shows him who really is the big dog! We can hear him crying in the other room because he's afraid to come back to the den.) This has got to be Chim's top weight. If he gets much bigger, it's going to be too hard for Linda to carry him over the streams and across busy streets.