It's going to be a super busy two days for Linda. She has already hourly planned out Friday and Saturday on paper. Every single hour is accounted for both days. Nowhere on either day does it say "walk the dogs" or "snuggle with Choopie". It says thinks like: shampoo carpet; Dr. appointment; teach 2 fitness classes; buy plumbing parts from Home Depot; scrub floors; borrow a bunch of chairs; shop for last minute food for Saturday night; meet guys to fix electrical outlets; volunteer in the church nursery for Family night... and that's just Friday. Saturday is just as full, only at 5:00; 21 people are coming to our house for food and fellowship. Hopefully, Sunday she will stay home with me between her church services and devote the day to making my life a little less lonesome. Supposedly, this is one of Johnny Cash's To do lists. Don't know if it's true or not, but I like it.