As I posted earlier, Linda is on a massive Spring cleaning kick. Two events happened yesterday out of the norm. The first one was funny/scary/painful. There is a little space, just a few inches really, between the wall and the vanity in the hall bathroom. Linda decided to clean out the dust that had gathered way back near the wall. Being the long armed woman she is, she figured she could lay on the floor sideways and stick her arm in the small space to reach the dirt. It took some wiggling and position changes, but she managed to jamb her arm all the way in. After swabbing the rag around for a few minutes (you know where this is going, right?) she could not get her arm back out! She yanked and tugged and prayed to Jesus and it finally came out, but in the process she whacked her fist on the wood edge and gashed open her skin. Luckily, Chimmie and I did not need to gnaw her arm off to set her free. She can see more dust when I uploaded the photo, I think this time she'll use a broom handle to get it out.
The second thing is not Oscar worthy. The downstairs bathroom pipes have had a slow leak. Since no one ever uses that bathroom except for when company comes, she does not clean it very often. Yesterday she found the sink pipe leak under the vanity. (Two Vanity issues in one day!) Everything under there was damp and the wood was gross. In under an hour, Paul was able to replace the entire vanity and sink top. We still need a couple of small parts to make it work. Linda then decided to fix the toilet seat. There she discovered another small drip from one of the washers/bolts that had come loose. Good thing she discovered it when she did or we might have been washed away in a flood.