It's been pouring down rain all night, more rain is coming and the weather people said that floods could happen. I know that there won't be any trail walks in the coming days. We cross a bunch of streams which flood with just a little rain. One time, way before I was even born, the streams got so high they flooded the main road to our house. Linda was coming home from church and she had to do this long detour that took her half way across town to get back to our house. I hope it stops sometime today. We have a yard cleaning man coming to our house on Friday afternoon. Linda's spring cleaning kick has now spread to outside. Having him help her will free her up to clean even more things inside the house. If she had this arm band, she could eat and check her email without having to sit down and stop cleaning. Sounds like a good investment to me. The one thing she has not tackled is the storage room(s) and the garage. That would not take a spring cleaning kick.... that would take a spring cleaning all-out assault! Call in the troops!!