That's Snickers, the angel dog in the middle. I'm not even jealous that Linda loved him best. He was with her almost 15 years, through the best of times and the worst of times. Sometimes when she would be so sad she was crying, he would sit on the floor with her and put his head in her lap. He would do little whines and cry with her. Then, just at the right time he would sit up and lick her tears off her cheeks. She could not help but smile and hug him tight. I'll do my best to fill his paws, and so will Chimmie. She has been missing Snickers so much the last few days because Chimmie has been sleeping and playing on his old bed on the deck, exactly in the same spot he used to lay in. They look so much alike (except for the 65 pound difference) that it's making Linda happy/sad all at the same time.