I'm not too keen on this whole outside thing while Linda is home. She said that on nice days, we have to spend more time outside on the deck and in the yard. That might be fine for Chimmie who loves to explore the yard and find all sorts of treasures to chew. I don't like it very much. No matter where I go to in the yard, he comes barreling over and pushes me out of the way. If I try to lay on the furry bed, he comes and commandeers it. Next, I'll be minding my own business trying to find a place to do my business and he has to pee in the spot I like first. Forget playing with any of the toys outside. The second I decide one might be fun, he yanks it out of my mouth.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
What? You Talking About Me??
I'm not too keen on this whole outside thing while Linda is home. She said that on nice days, we have to spend more time outside on the deck and in the yard. That might be fine for Chimmie who loves to explore the yard and find all sorts of treasures to chew. I don't like it very much. No matter where I go to in the yard, he comes barreling over and pushes me out of the way. If I try to lay on the furry bed, he comes and commandeers it. Next, I'll be minding my own business trying to find a place to do my business and he has to pee in the spot I like first. Forget playing with any of the toys outside. The second I decide one might be fun, he yanks it out of my mouth.