So much of Linda's time when she is at home is shuffling dogs around. Since Chimmie eats all of my food the second she puts it down, we have to be fed separately. He gets up an hour earlier than I do, so he has his first bathroom outing and then his breakfast immediately followed by a second bathroom outing even before I am out of the big bed. Next, Linda makes me get up (if she can find me buried under the covers), lets Chimmie inside and puts me outside. She makes my breakfast while I'm taking care of business, lets me back in and puts Chimmie back out. Lately, Chip cat has been bullying me away from my bowl, so I have to be fed in the hall bathroom with the door shut so I can eat in peace. Meanwhile, Chimmie is back outside while I'm eating because he body slams the door to get to my food. Following all this? After I eat, I have to go back outside while Chim is inside licking my empty bowl praying that more food magically appears. Somewhere in there, Chip cat gets fed too, but it's super easy since she rules the house. Even Chimmie would not dare try to get within 2 feet of her while she is eating. The rest of the time is spent taking toys away from Chim that he's destroyed, rescuing me from a wild wrestling match, or taking turns letting us out back to pee.