Last year when Linda went to the annual dinner meeting at the YMCA, she won an XBox as a door prize. We don't have any games to play on it, but it comes in handy for Netflix's. This year, she did not win anything. There were two 48" flat screen TV's and blue ray players. There were so many restaurant & store gift certificates that she was sure she would at least win one. She was hoping for the $75 Morten's Steak House prize because Taylor, Sarah and Tierney would have loved it. (Plus, I would get a doggy bag with yummy bone!) Her number did not come up for the 10 free oil changes at Jiffy Lube. She did not win any spa packages or an $800 portriat session with a famous photographer. Oh well, she said the food was catered by a nice Italian restaurant and she was able to talk to an old friend she had not seen in a long time.