This is not Chimmie's lucky day. The ball he is crazy about already has a chunk bitten out of it. No lie, he is currently crying and yelping all over the house because he can't find where Linda put it. It is just a cheap .99 cent kids ball, but 0f all his toys, it is by far his favorite one ever. If he would just play fetch with it and not try to eat it, he would still have it to play with. This is the exact ball, it's about 4" round. If anyone happens to see one at a store, would you buy it for him so he does not have a panic attack. Even though he is Mexican, maybe he'll have the Luck of the Irish today and get a new ball. I'm glad Linda does not get into all the St. Patrick's Day hoopla. Even though I am the right size, I would not be a happy Chorkie if she dressed me up like a little leprechaun. I draw the line at wearing the bunny ears and tail for Easter. (OK, maybe I'll wear a little something special for Christmas, but those are the only two holidays I'll participate in.)