The bigger Chimmie gets, the more Linda is sure that he must have some Snicker's blood in him. Maybe when Snickers and Sheba got out that last time, Snicker's had his way with Chimmie's Grandma, then the bloodline just was passed down. He looks so much like him its eerie. Now that he is past the 6-month mark, he is starting to act like him too. Chimmie is gentle with babies. He lets you take a bone out of his mouth. He loves the sunshine on the deck. He adores kissing Linda and snuggling against her whenever he gets the chance. Chim never complains about being locked up in his room, no mater how long he is in there. He's a great eater and will gobble whatever dog food Linda puts in front of him. The one area where he is different is that Snickers was not afraid of other dogs, he just wanted to challenge them to show he was The Big Dog. Snick's was very, very protective of Linda, inside or outside the house. Chimmie just runs and hides when he thinks danger is near, even if it's leaves blowing across the trail.
p.s. Look at his shoulder and neck muscles! No wonder he weighs 12 pounds. There isn't an ounce of fat on his body... it's just so solid.