Linda has decided that enough is enough. All three of us are going to lose weight. As you know from yesterday, Chimmie is almost 12 pounds. If he follows his pattern, he'll be there next week. His goal is 9 pounds. I am 6.4 pounds as of today. Last summer, I was 5.6 pounds and should be an even 5 according to the Vet. I need to lose weight for my health. My knees don't stay in the sockets very well and I have seizures when I exert myself in the summer heat. Linda also has about 10 pounds that she wants to lose. She won't let me put her weight on the blog. (Hey! That's not fair.) This weekend she is doing a fitness convention where 1,000's of other aerobic instructors will be in attendance. She has to be up in front, wearing just a little more than a swimsuit, helping teach the Water in Motion class. Since she just found out Tuesday morning, she won't be losing 10 pounds by Saturday. She is eating lots of protein (no carbs) and increasing her exercise intensity and weights while she teaches. Taylor keeps telling her she looks amazing the weight she is. (Coming from the man who can be obsessive about his lifting and diet when he puts his mind to it.) Tierney (who has lost almost 35 pounds) is her helper and coach. The other night she ripped the bun right off Linda's veggie burger and told the waitress not to bring fries, but substitute steamed veggies. She did not spare for Linda's whining either.