I was the size of this baby marmoset when I was little. It's hard to believe I weighed only 1.5 pounds the day I came to my forever home. Yes, Linda did buy a dress for me, but I only wore it for about 2 minutes to get my picture taken. I drew the line at wearing a diaper though. She threatened me a bunch of times when I could not get the pee-pee pad training down. She would take me everywhere wrapped in a baby blanket tucked inside her purse. Although I'm officially still a purse puppy, I could never fit inside her bra. A lady from our home state took her teeny-tiny baby monkey into a court hearing. The judge did not even notice the monkey in her bra until she went to sign some papers. Officially, there is probably no law that says you can't take a monkey stuffed into your bra inside a courtroom, but there is probably some no animal rule. Someone is bound to design a new bra with a pocket in the middle for you tiny pets.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
New Push-Up Bra?
I was the size of this baby marmoset when I was little. It's hard to believe I weighed only 1.5 pounds the day I came to my forever home. Yes, Linda did buy a dress for me, but I only wore it for about 2 minutes to get my picture taken. I drew the line at wearing a diaper though. She threatened me a bunch of times when I could not get the pee-pee pad training down. She would take me everywhere wrapped in a baby blanket tucked inside her purse. Although I'm officially still a purse puppy, I could never fit inside her bra. A lady from our home state took her teeny-tiny baby monkey into a court hearing. The judge did not even notice the monkey in her bra until she went to sign some papers. Officially, there is probably no law that says you can't take a monkey stuffed into your bra inside a courtroom, but there is probably some no animal rule. Someone is bound to design a new bra with a pocket in the middle for you tiny pets.