Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Chim and I did 2 hours of walking today!  Linda took us on the trail for an hour this morning, and Jerry took us around the neighborhood for another hour tonight while Linda was teaching.  There was a tiny Yorkie, only a pound bigger than me, who became both of our best friends this evening.  The little Yorkie loved us both and we played for a long time.  It looks like Chimmie isn't afraid of dogs anymore.  At least there was a Chimmie victory to end one of his worst behaved days ever.  We were starving when Linda got home and ate a huge supper.  Linda was hungry too after an hour walk earlier, an hour of Combat, an hour of Water in Motion and one crazy kids TKD class tonight. Thankfully, Linda's pain in her back is all but gone today. There has been a few twinges, but nothing like what she went through yesterday.  Linda's pictures came back on her computer.  I don't know why they would not load earlier.  She was looking for the photo of Crabby Chip, but could not find it.  Instead, here are Snickers (the good dog) and Sheba (the bad dog.)  Sheba was a beautiful full Siberian Husky, but she was so willful and rebellious that the family called her demon dog.  Sheba always said "woooooooo" and talked back constantly.