Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day One is Over

Are you serious??
I was a huge help!
Linda is exhausted from working in the garage.  She did almost seven straight hours hauling stuff and cleaning, from 8:00- 2:30. The morning started out extremely emotional when she went through her parent's papers.  She found old photos of her Dad after his stroke that made her hysterical.  She called a friend and talked for awhile, got it together, and kept working.  Once she tossed the first bit out, it got easier and easier.  By the end of the day, she was smiling.  It's the first time in all the time she has lived here that Linda has ever walked in parts of the garage.  It was full of storage stuff when she moved in 25 years ago, and now there are two huge pathways.  Still lots of work to be done, but she needs Taylor and Dennis to help her move heavy stuff.  The dumpster is almost full!  She'll need some guys with pick-up trucks for the mattresses, box-springs, and furniture.  There are still big slabs of drywall that was used to build out our basement.  She also found a metal Navy locker full of old uniforms that belong to Taylor & Tierney's father.  A bunch of her Dad's old fashioned tools went to Paul who really loves those kind of things.  There is still so much to give away, so see Linda if you want to look at what's not in the dumpster.