Wednesday, October 26, 2011

No Sleep... Again

Typically, Linda sleeps a few hours a night before she wakes up and has to go through the whole process of trying to fall back asleep again.  Sometimes she falls back asleep, and sometimes not.  There are nights she'll sleep 20 minutes, wake up and feel like it's morning.  There are also nights it takes her 4 hours to fall asleep.  This has been happening since she has little. She is such a light sleeper that she wakes up if Chimmie shakes his head and his tags rattle (and he's behind a closed door) or if I change positions next to her.  Taylor and Tierney also have versions of insomnia to some degree, but not as bad.  When they were babies, she would wake up when Tier dropped her pacifier onto the carpet.  She could hear the little "thump" and know Tier would start saying "Wooooooobie" in that sing-song voice.   To this day, Linda can't figure it out.  She doesn't do any caffeine after 3 p.m. and tries to limit her nighttime sugar intake.  Tuesday nights are usually the worse since she comes home late from teaching totally wired.   The majority of the time she isn't worried or stressed, there isn't even anything particular she is thinking about.  Most people can't turn off their mind, but that is not problem for her.  She can't turn off her body.  It always feels like electrical current is running through it when she tries to relax enough to sleep.  Kind of like the feeling she got when she touched one of the live electrical wires at the Tough Mudder competition... only it's all over her body from the inside out.  Once she tried to tell the Dr. and she just looked at her puzzled and gave her a prescription for sleeping pills.  I think Dr's are used to people not sleeping due to stress, not from 10,000 tiny firecrackers going off inside their body.