Friday, October 21, 2011

Will She Survive?

The Bed Destroyer Strikes Again
Chimmie is spending tonight and the entire day Saturday at Tierney's!  This is going to be epic.  Tierney will get a taste of what it is like to have a toddler.  Full blown energy 24/7 with small 15 minute naps to recharge his batteries.  He'll want to eat every single bite she puts in her mouth, he'll want to jump up in her lap the moment she sits down, he'll try to snuggle in bed with her and body slam up against her to get extra close, he'll make her take him for endless walks (10 in a day if he had his way), he'll drop toys on her laptop keyboard and finally, he'll melt her heart with his cuteness.  Either she'll be bringing him back early because she can't keep up, or she'll want to keep him forever.  There is no middle ground with Chim.  Jerry will be picking me up bright and early Saturday morning.  Early for Jerry is usually 10 a.m., but Linda promised he would not make me wait that long.  I'm so excited to get to spend the entire day with him.  All's we'll do is watch TV and take a few walks, but I still adore sitting on his lap while he sketches.  Maybe if I be real sweet he'll take me to the pet store for a few new toys!  When Tier get's a look at my tattered beds (I have to use two because both of them are chewed up so badly and smell like dog) I'm sure she'll take me to Pet Smart and let me pick out a new one, probably in a smart Burberry plaid or a nice Ralph Lauren rep stripe.