Thursday, October 6, 2011

First (and Second) Noah Update

Noah is still the best dog walker ever.  Chim never, ever pulls on the leash.  He walks just a little bit in front of Noah, or right next to the stroller.  We walked 45 minutes and Noah only let go of the leash once when he saw a squirrel and got distracted.  I was way too tired to walk, so I rode in the pouch almost the whole time.  Noah and I just finished lunch.  Today it was ham and cheese on wheat bread, diced apple and some chunks of cucumber.   This is the first time we've seen Noah shake his head 'NO.  He wanted the sandwich and apple, but would shake his head when Linda gave him the cucumber.  He was a good boy and ate most of it.  For dessert, he had some of his puff-cookies that taste like apples and sweet potatoes.  We are playing with toys now, then Linda is giving him his bath.  By then, he'll be ready for his bottle and a nap.  UPDATE 2:  Bath time was big fun for Noah (Linda's clothes got wet with all the splashing and kicking though.)  Noah had 3 oz. of his bottle, fell asleep and then woke up 5 minutes after Linda put him down in bed.  She had to go for another stroller walk to get him to fall back asleep. It took just 10 minutes. If we had a real crib, she would let him fuss, but since he is on a fluffy down comforter on the bedroom floor, she does not want him crawling around exploring when he wakes up.   He's now cuddled in his bed with his favorite blanket and Taylor's blue bear.