Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ride 'Em Pumpkin

Noah loves our pumpkin.  He was rocking back and forth riding it like a pony.  Our video won't upload of him doing it.  Linda is going to try to reboot the laptop and see if it works.   Also... drum roll please... He took 9 little baby steps all on his own!!  Gretel said he took a few last night too.  When he realized he was walking without anyone holding on to him, he plunked back down on the floor.  Linda has been trying to get a video of him doing it, but of course when the she is trying to record, he won't let go of the chair.  We've already taken a long stroller walk, ate lunch and played with all the toys.  Now he's rubbing his eyes like he is tired, but his Mommy said he just woke up before he was dropped off.  In a little while, Linda will give him his bath and bottle.  If he's tired, that usually puts him to sleep.