Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Showered With Blessings

Our first photo!
Noah even shares his snacks with me.
Jerry had very late meetings at work and could not come and walk us so we had a boring afternoon, evening and night.  Linda has to leave to teach her classes at 3:45 and she is not done teaching until 7:45.  After her classes, she went to Stephine's baby shower.  (Hi Steph!)  She got soooo many adorable outfits and nice things for baby Evie.  The one thing she didn't get was a puppy.  Take it from me Steph, every baby needs a puppy.  Noah has loved me since he's been 3 months old.  Now, Noah and I are BFF and I would protect him with my life.  I'm almost bigger then he is in our first photo, and now you can see how much bigger he is than me now!  Can dogs be blessed?  I think I am!!