Monday, July 16, 2012

Would You Try Finger Sporks?

Linda would love to turn the comments section on this blog, but she hates those "type these letters in the box" tests so the spam gets blocked.  Every time she tries to comment on a blog that has them, she gives up because after 3 attempts.  Is it just her or do other people have problems reading them? 

I wonder how many comments I would get about people wanting to try finger sporks?
Once she actually turned the comments on without the spam test and you know how that went.  I do publish my email ( and have gotten some feedback on posts, but it's not the same.  Linda reads 5 blogs daily.  She never comments, but she does read the other peoples comments.  Why are they all so glowing and wonderful?  Do the people blogging only allow comments to be shown that praise their post?  When we had ours on, people blasted me constantly because I was a dog from a pet store and not a rescue dog. People hate that it is a dog writing and not a person. (In case you are confused, it's really a person so calm down.)  People accused Linda of buying me from a bad breeder who abuses dogs. Some posts said I was a designer dog (bred to be really tiny) and that was wrong to do.  Yes, I did come from a pet store, but it was a Mom & Pop pet store that had been in her town for 25 years.  It was mostly supplies, but every once in a while people would bring in a litter of puppies to consign.  I was in the pet store exactly 8 hours before Linda bought me home.   Maybe she'll try it again and see. It could have been a few bad apples who just kept leaving unsigned comments.   The days when there are over 50 hits in an hour she would really like to know what people are thinking about the post. Hum.. to comment or not to comment?