Monday, July 16, 2012

Are You Serious?

I'm really hoping the vet is making a mountain out of a pimple.  When Linda was checking me for ticks yesterday after the trail walk, she found a hard bump near my shoulder.  I would not let her look through my fur to pull it off, and kept twisting away.  Normally, I will lay in whatever position she puts me in for as long as she wants because I'm a very submissive dog around her.  When she finally got me still enough and found the bump, it wasn't a tick at all.  It was a flesh colored pimple.  She thought nothing of it until she checked it again today.  Now its changed color and has crusty top to it.
She sent the photo to the Vet and they were concerned enough to want to see me right away.  Linda told the Dr. I was fine otherwise, eating, drinking, not limping and playing just like normal, it just hurt when she touched it.  They said they had to biopsy it to see if it was malignant!  What?  Linda is sure it's just a pimple, bug bite or raised  mole she never noticed before.  Just great.  The last thing I want to do is go back to the Vet and the last thing Linda needs is another Vet bill!