Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Mish-Mash

There are days Linda wakes up dragging and days she is totally refreshed.  After a killer week of teaching, and an especially hard Friday and Saturday, she feels so good it's miraculous.  Some days she teaches one class and can barely move, so there isn't any real pattern to her back injury.  Hmmm...she's super thankful to be feeling great and is not going to question why!  She has a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with her higher protein intake the last few days.  It's been totally by accident, laziness and lack of time to eat right, but she has been drinking high protein shakes for a lot of meals. 

We woke up to the laptop not connected to the router again.  It must be going bad.  Connecting was super easy since we are just on an open thingie (she can't think what its called) and we didn't need the password to reconnect.  In case you haven't noticed, Linda is pretty clueless with computers, DVD players, Xboxes, fancy TVs and such like.  No judging though.  She can probably beat you in a sparring match and break more boards than you. 

Grass (weed) update:  Green, green, green.

My strange skin growth under my arm isn't growing or changing.  Linda will still have it checked when I go to the Vet for my grooming.  It hurts to the touch, but I'm acting totally normal and perky. Linda is amazed that I'm now jumping on high things that I've never even attempted to jump on before.  It's like I'm a spry little puppy again.  (Well, when I was a puppy I only weighed 1.5 pounds and couldn't jump over a sneaker, but you get the idea.) 

Today is going to be spent inside because Linda is cramming her new Body Pump release.  She couldn't find anyone to team with her tomorrow for the big launch, so she has to teach all 10 tracks herself.  In a way, she likes it better that way.  If she messes up (and can keep a straight face) no one will know since the routine is brand new and the gym members haven't done it yet! 

Since this is a random post, here is a random photo to go with it.

 This is the main street in the town she grew up in.  When this was taken, she was probably 10 or 11.  The white building on right is the Colonial Theater.  The first movie she saw there without her parents was "Ben."  It was about a boy who loved his rat.  Across the street is the Chinese restaurant her Aunt and Uncle owned.  There were live chickens in the basement waiting to become Kung Pow stir fry.  One of the many reasons Linda is a vegetarian today. 

One more since she is feeling nostalgic.  This is her church, St. Mary's.  It's still there today and looks exactly the same.  The school she went to is right next to it and looks identical.  There were such beautiful buildings.  In 1st grade a chunk of ice slid off the roof and hit Linda in the head while she was walking into school.  It gave her a standing knockout.  She was allowed to rest in the nurses office and miss Religion class.