Sunday, July 15, 2012

Antics at Our House

They're Back!  Not the bees, thank goodness.  That was really horrible because the bees took over our front door.  They made a nest in our roof and it was impossible to get rid of them.  Every time we would try to sit on the front stoop the bees would swarm us. Finally one day they left and never came back.  No, this time it's the pesky little black ants.  We've seen a few outside, but when Linda got home from church today she noticed one little ant in the sink.  Where there is one ant there usually is an army of ants.  Sure enough, she looked down and a long trail of ants were coming in from the sliding glass door, going down the floor trim, up the wall and into the sink.  Bugs in general never freak Linda out as long as they are outside.  She hates bugs in the house. (Remember the giant spider in the bathroom?)   Spraying bug killer inside is tricky because Chimi licks everything.  She sprayed killer stuff and blotted up the actual puddles just in case he got curious.  For now, he's sleeping on her Big Bed so hopefully the smell will be gone when he wakes up.  She should be thankful it's not bats.  Two of Linda's friends in the last month have had bats inside their homes.  We would so be checking into a hotel until the professional bat catchers came over.  She wouldn't be trying to catch the bat in Tupperware, that's for sure.