Saturday, July 14, 2012

We Need The Dog Whisperer

If I haven't already told you, Chim has been crazier than usual the past 3 days .  He does things like stare at Linda standing still as a statue and whimper quietly. When she is working on the laptop and he stands on her leg like this without moving a muscle.
He has not even twitched for at least 7 minutes

  This morning on the couch, he just didn't cuddle next her, he had to be plastered against her body with his nose up against her ear or in her hair.  His kisses are becoming annoying to say the least
Don't be jealous of her awesome hair clip or the great hair style

 Chim has always needed his "woobie (flat Coyote)", but now he's obsessed with it being by his side the second he lays down.  Last night we were both on The Big Bed while Linda read.  Chim was already tucked under the covers by her knees when he realized he was sans-woobie.  He climbed out, jumped off the bed and ran into his den to find it.  Then he jumped back up and burrowed under the covers whimpering while he sucked the fur.  When Jerry came over today to walk us, Chim peed on the floor while Jerry put his leash on!  What!! That is so unlike him and it has never happened before.  Chim was doing his cooked spaghetti body where he goes all limp and submissive then just peed everywhere.  Linda wishes she could read his mind to find out what the heck is wrong with him.