Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Special Delivery

I was warning baby Noah to stay away from Chip Cat.  (Chip actually loves Noah too and purrs when he is around.)

If yesterday was springlike, today will be summerish!  The temperature is going to be even warmer, maybe up into the high 60's.  It's February 2, isn't it supposed to be snowy and icy?  Linda turned the heat off yesterday and left it off all night.  Before she leaves for work, she is going to crack some of the windows to let some fresh air in.  Wednesday is our Paul Walker day because Linda has a lot of classes to teach.  The last two Wednesdays she has been home because she was sick, good for us... but really bad for her pocketbook.  (Oh no, Chip Cat is creeping along the carpet on her belly.  Chimmie  is sound asleep next to Linda's side. Chip likes to stalk Chimmie like she is a fierce jungle cat. She doesn't hurt him, she just likes watching him panic.  Bad cat.) 

The Bob Stroller should be coming today via UPS.  What is a Bob Stroller?  Well, it's this amazing stroller that is considered the Rolls Royce of all jogging strollers.  Linda recommended it to Taylor and Sarah because they both are runners and will want to be able to exercise with the baby.  It has a car seat adapter, a tray for your drinks and cell phones and even a weather shield (which they didn't want since neither one of them love running that much.)  Linda looked on Amazon where she ordered it and did not see an optional little dog carrier. That would be an awesome feature, don't you think? Taylor and Sarah tried the Bob out in a store and loved it.  He is very tall (6'5") and most strollers are too short for him to push comfortably.  This one fit him perfect and even accommodated his long stride. Sarah is 8 months pregnant now, it won't be long before we get a B A B Y!!!