Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where Are the Ruby Slippers?

The guys feet sticking out from behind the fridge looks like the Wicked Witch from Oz. 
It's a good thing we make Linda wake up at the crack of dawn.  Ali Baba told Linda that the hardwood men would be coming around 9:00 to start working.  At 7:10, they rang the doorbell!  She was still in her robe and slippers, but she pretended she was just wearing regular clothes and welcomed them in.  In less than 15 minutes, the old floor was pulled up and now they are prepping the plywood underneath it.  Linda is so quirky.  She wanted to mop the kitchen floor before they came to tear it up.   I know.... she is weird that way.  She does not like suprize guests because she has to clean before anyone comes over.   At least she got the whole house vacuumed before they arrived.  She wanted the carpet to look nice before they hauled it away in a dump truck.  I wonder what they are going to think about her taking 100 pictures while they work?
UPDATE:  They are using a LOOOOUDDD power saw to cut the wood.  Poor Chimmie.  He's literally quaking trying to hide in the covers on the big bed!