Monday, February 6, 2012


Linda loves teaching her 3 and 4 year old TKD class.  She likes the 5-12 year group too, but the little kickers are her favorites.  Here is an overview of the class today. 

Sienna:  Miss Linda, I can't do TKD cause I'm going to Disney!  Miss Linda: Really, that's great Sienna.  When are you going?  Sienna: Right after we do some front kicks and I eat a muffin for snack.

 Gabe:  Miss Linda, can we pretend to be be giraffes for our warm-up today?  Miss Linda:  OK, just for today. (Everyone, including Linda, is walking on their tiptoes with their arms over their head making long necks.)  All the other kids:  MY TURN, MY TURN!  They ended up doing 10 minutes of hippos, snakes, cheetahs, wasps, tigers and 3 more Linda is too embarrassed to remember.  The room they do class is at the YMCA that has a glass wall facing the cardio-equipement.  She had a big group of adults stop what they were doing to watch.

Kathrine:  I can't listen to you today because I didn't eat my salad.  I can only obey if I have lettuce for dinner.  My Spiderman ring is real. Gorilla's eat bananas.  (Said all in the same breath.)

Maddy:  My socks are on the wrong feet! ( Crying the whole time Linda tried to get 10 pairs of shoes and socks back on to take them back to their pre-school class before her next class starts.)

Miss Linda:  Kathrine, STOP sucking your toes.  We don't put our feet in our mouth. 

Elvis:  My Mommy loves owls.  A lot.  A really lot.  

Eddie (3 yr.) :  I love you Miss Linda.  I missed you so much! (Running across the room and launching himself into her arms as soon as he walked in.)