Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pump it Up

Some of her fellow Pump Instructors

We had such a fun day with Noah.  He was the happiest and most playful he's ever been at our house.  He loves to make Linda laugh (like the bowl on his head during his bath.)  He also likes to dance with his book that sings "Jesus Loves Me."  Today he carried both giraffes around the house and made the "moooo" sounds.  Noah thinks all animals moo, not just cows.  He said a few words like Ma-Ma hOOOpie (for Choopie) and Kitty. Linda was sad to see him go home, but she had to go to the gym and teach her 5:30 Body Pump class.  Its so cool that she is getting so much stronger.  The weights she used to do for squats, chest press, triceps and biceps are all feeling too light now.  After class she went to pray at church and then came home to be with us and relax.  Thanks to everyone who prayed for her pinched nerve.  It felt great today and the swelling was almost totally gone.