Sunday, February 12, 2012

Portrait Day

It's unusual for the three of us to all sun in the same location, but Linda found me right next to Chimmie and Chip all napping by the sliding glass door.  It's a really warm spot, and because we all love it, we've decided to share.  When Linda went to get the camera to photograph us all sleeping, we woke up and and scattered so she could not get a good group shot.  Instead, she just took a few shots of us each alone. 

This is actually the first picture of Chip where she is not looking like she wants to eat me.  Chip really is a pretty kitty.  She loves Linda and Tierney and tolerates everyone else who is a regular at our house.  If she doesn't know you, forget it.  She'll hide until you leave.

Chimmie kept licking the iPhone while Linda was taking his pictures. He is such a licker, his name should be Licorice like Tier's old black cat who got cancer and died.  Licorice used to lick your hand so you would pet him.  He acted just like a dog.  Tier loved him so much.  When he died, then she loved Chip.
I so need a haircut.  Linda should be ashamed of herself for letting me get so scruffy.  Besides the $75 it cost to take me to the groomers, she wants to keep my fur long so I'm warmer.  Even though my hair is a mess, she loves the look in my eye.  I'm "smeyezing"  (only Tierney will understand that!).