Monday, February 13, 2012

There's an App For That

Linda is home for a quick shower and change of clothes before she is out to her business lunch.  Since Linda doesn't have a "real" job (teaching group fitness and TKD is too fun to be considered a real job) it's unusual for her to have to have meetings.  Maybe this meeting will lead to more classes, so it's a good thing!  She wanted to take us for a quick walk, but it's still really cold out.  Neither Chim or I wanted to hangout on the deck after we visited the backyard.  Someone said it got down to 7 degrees the other night, but Linda didn't see that on the news.  Our house does feel a lot colder than the 70 degrees the thermostat is reading.  We have one of those Costco portable heaters in the den, so it's toasty warm in there when we watch TV, read or go on the internet.  Everywhere else in the house Linda needs to wear a coat (we just carry our fur coats around with us!)   After her lunch meeting, she has two more classes then has to rush to the basketball game to run the concession stand.  (Spell check just changed her misspelling to confession stand.  That would be so funny:  "I broke the speed limit driving here and ran a red light, oh.... and I'll take a hotdog with mustard."

  P.S. You can now wipe your slate clean with Confession: A Roman Catholic App, available through iTunes for $1.99.