Friday, February 17, 2012

AA... Doing What We Do Best

If I did have to fly, Linda would smuggle me in her coat
The chances of Chimmie or I every having to fly anywhere on an airplane are slim to none.  If Linda ever needed to take us somewhere far-far away, she would drive. When Siberian Husky Sheba came to live with us, she flew from Arkansas on a plane.  That might explain all Sheba's issues, but I doubt it.  She was only 7 weeks old, so she probably forgot the traumatic experience. Flying for pets can be very dangerous.  The U.S. Dept. of Transportation reported this week that over 1/2 of all in-flight pet deaths were on Delta's flights.  The animals die in the cargo holds.  They also lead all other airlines in animal injuries.  Second on the list is American Airlines. (AA, you might want to change your slogan.)