Sunday, February 19, 2012

Skit Night

Wizard of Oz  (I was Toto)
Tonight is Tierney's debut of the skit she wrote.  The entire skit has been kept top secret, but there are a few rumors that it is going to be about relationships.  It was supposed to be performed on Valentine's Day, but the timing did not work out.  Tier wrote the half that deals with being single and another woman (who is married) did the marriage part.  Since Tierney has never been married, she didn't think she could do the subject justice.  They have been practicing for months and had at least 4 full rehearsals this week already along with dress rehearsal last night and one again this afternoon.  The last skit she wrote and directed "Lost" was amazing.  Linda will be bringing the camera, so check back after 10 p.m. to see some of the cast photos.  Until then, here are a few from past skits.

Tier was a demon-devil professor

A Bobble-Head live action puppet

Scrooge??  She can't remember for sure.

Zoo Skit (Tier is the giraffe)