Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time for a Shower!

Today is the big day!  It's Sarah's baby shower.  Linda just has one class to teach this morning because she got subs for her three afternoon/evening classes.  There is so much to do.  She has to make the food trays, help decorate, wrap presents and buy a few more things.  Since she'll be gone for 6 hours, Chimmie is going to have a play-date at Paul Walkers house.  Linda isn't sure about Jerry since it's always a game day call with him.  If he can get out early from work, we'll have some alone time without an annoying  Chimmie jumping on him for attention.  Chim has such a conflicting personality.   Last night he LOVED Kevin and was in his lap kissing him like his long-lost master.  He is totally not afraid of anyone new.  He is petrified of leaves blowing, plastic bags, certain mailboxes, and anything with wheels.  Linda hopes Sarah has a good time tonight and likes her Bob Jogging Stroller and the fancy car seat.   

Chim would have a heart attack is Linda tried to take him on a jog pushing this! The wheels are bigger than he is!
UPDATE:  Linda did amazing on her clean eating program yesterday.  She lost 3.6 pounds in one day.  That is totally just water weight since she didn't eat any carbs.  Her weight will stay the same for a week or so now even if she chooses the exact same foods she ate yesterday.