Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Non Nonverbal Communication

There are times when no matter how hard I try, I can't get Linda to figure out what I am trying to say to her. I really want a hug and she thinks I need to use the pee-pee pad. I'm tired and she thinks I want to play catch with the squeaky hedgehog. I'm hungry and she feeds the cat. It's frustrating living in a human world when you are an animal. Now, scientists have created a way to solve the problem. The new LED Dog Tail Communicator spells out exactly what I am trying to say based on the speed of my wagging tail. It's hard to tell by this photo, but the words actually light up above the wag. No more misunderstandings, it looks like the perfect answer. I just can't figure out where or how they attach the gizmo. Until it's tested and proven to be safe, I guess I'll just keep eating the cats food when I'm hungry.