Sunday, June 15, 2008


I've blogged about Tierney's mission trips in previous posts. She has gone to Africa many times over the years. This photo is from one of her trips to Nairobi. She is in a town called Kakamega surrounded by wonderful children. Her favorite food is the chapati, a yummy bread that is one of the main food staples. (Don't ask her about the ugali though.) When she first arrived, she was almost trampled because all the kids wanted to "pet" her long straight hair. She eventually figured out that she had to keep it up so she could walk around without attracting so much attention. I love to be petted, I'm not sure why it was so scary for her. I like it the same way my mom used to "pet" me with little licks using short one-per-second strokes not staying on the same area but moving around my body. You can just use your hand, you don't have to use your tongue unless you really want to.