Saturday, June 21, 2008

I Just Had to "Bring This Up"

Linda is so sick of TV that she is threatening to turn it off forever. So much TV is just regurgitated junk. She is ready to throw-up her hands and scream. Coming soon to network TV is a new show called "Hurl." No joke, this is an eating and upchucking show. Contestants eat, eat, eat... everything from pizza, cakes, ice cream, pot pies and then get strapped into spinning contraptions. Try to guess who wins? Yup, the person who vomits last. The constants get "bucket ratings" from one to five. They should eat 15 bananas , 2 Heads of broccoli, 9 bags of Cheetos , 6 bags of red licorices all topped off with 3 blue Slurpees. This way at least the results will be colorful! I wonder if the producers know that the 6th most common phobia in the world is emetophobia. That is the fear of vomiting or watching someone else vomit. People with the most extreme cases can actually will themselves not to vomit, even if they have food poisoning or the flu. Of course you body vomits as a survival mechanism, so one day those people are going to be dead from some e-coli disease because they refused to get sick. Chip should love the show because she daily leaves hair-ball presents all over the house for Linda to clean up. I bet your glad I chose this photo of a Spriro Gyro Orbitron Ride instead of the alternative.