Thursday, February 2, 2012

Say NO to Brain Tumors

That's Superwoman Carol in the Yellow Shirt
Race Update:  If you were thinking about making a pledge for Linda's race, you can now make a pledge in her name.  Go to this site:  Type in Linda Carr and you'll get to her page.  Her fund raising goal is $200, but she knows that's going to be impossible to reach because she never asks people face to face to contribute, donate or buy anything she is selling.  One time in TKD back before she owned the school, each student had to sell a box of candy bars to raise money to send a few of the kids to the Jr. Olympics.  Boy, after eating 24 giant size candy bars herself, she was off chocolate for months!  She couldn't even ask her friends to buy a $1.00 candy bar.  Anyway, if you want to make a pledge, that would be great.  Also, to read more about Carol's journey, you can visit her website at: